Rise in HIV diagnoses steepest among heterosexual men and women
posted by: Susan Mills
The latest HIV surveillance data for 2023, published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) today, show that the number of heterosexual men and women newly diagnosed in England with HIV has increased by more than 30% since 2022.
Diagnoses among heterosexual men rose by 36% (445 in 2022 to 605 in 2023) and among heterosexual women by 30% (602 in 2022 to 780 in 2023). The rise in cases was steepest for ethnic minority heterosexuals (excluding white ethnic minorities) with a 45% rise seen in this group compared to the previous year.
While HIV testing in sexual health centres overall increased in 2022 compared to 2023, it remains lower than before the COVID-19 pandemic. Regular HIV testing is vital to help prevent new infections. It allows people to have access to prevention interventions (such as HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, PrEP) and ensures timely access to treatment that saves lives and prevents the virus being passed on.
Dr Tamara Djuretic, Co-Head of HIV at UKHSA, said: “HIV can affect anyone, no matter your gender or sexual orientation, so please get regularly tested and use condoms to protect you and your partners’ health. An HIV test is free and provides access to HIV PrEP if needed. If you do test positive, treatment is so effective that you can expect to live a long healthy life and you won’t pass HIV on to partners.”
HIV testing is free from Devon Sexual Health clinics and we can also advise on the use of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) a pill that HIV negative people can take before sex to help reduce the risk of HIV acquisition and PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis), a medicine that can be taken if you have had sex with someone who is HIV positive to reduce the risk of developing HIV yourself – but this must be started within 72 hours to be effective.
More information on HIV can be found here.

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