Research at Devon Sexual Health
Devon Sexual Health clinics are actively involved in clinical research, with the South West Peninsula STI Research Champion based at the service. In recent years the service has recruited past target to its interventional studies. There is a shared ambition across the service to expand the research portfolio, supported by an enthusiastic team.
Information on our current active studies can be found below

SEQUENCE Digital is a five-year programme of research (2020-2025) funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and led by Professor Claudia Estcourt, Glasgow Caledonian University, which aims to provide research evidence to improve sexual health for all in a digital NHS: https://www.sequencedigital.org.uk/
Participant Information Sheets and Consent Forms:
Study C – Pathway

PLATINUM is a randomised controlled trial coordinated by researchers at the University of Oxford, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (not the makers of tecovirimat). It is evaluating the effect of tecovirimat 600mg twice daily for 14 days versus placebo on the rate of self-reported recovery from monkeypox, and on time to viral clearance assessed by weekly self-taken swabs. The trial is being conducted remotely, with no in-person contact. Medication and swabs are delivered and collected by courier. After 28 days there are no further trial procedures. The study aims to recruit 500 patients with recent onset monkeypox infection from across the UK.
Information about the study is available here: https://www.platinumtrial.ox.ac.uk/patients