At Devon Sexual Health we can provide testing for all your sexual health needs. The testing you need will change from time-to-time and from partner to partner. We can help you find the right tests for your current situation. Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have no obvious symptoms, so it’s best to know your STI status and get tested every 12 months, or if you’ve recently changed partner.
What are the right tests for me?
We are here to help provide the right testing for you. We work this out by talking through your medical history, recent sexual partners alongside a few other things.

How can I get tested?
Many STIs have no obvious symptoms.
If you are aged under 25, and are symptom-free, you can order an STI test online to be delivered to your home here.
If you are aged over 25, or have symptoms, STI testing is free of charge in our clinics. You can find out more about making an appointment here.

Routine check-up
People often see us for a “check up” or “screen”. This is a standard set of tests that are offered to people we see without symptoms. This is well established as testing for:
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea – swab samples for this can be taken from the vagina, penis, bottom or throat. Men usually provide a urine sample rather than a penis swab.
- HIV and syphilis – tested for on a quick blood test. These are routine tests that are offered to everybody as both infections can be caught without causing symptoms.
All our samples taken in our clinic appointments are sent away to be tested at our local hospital laboratories.
Some of our patients are tested by post. This testing is managed by Preventx, a testing company based in Sheffield.

Tests for symptoms
When people see us with symptoms we sometimes perform other tests looking for other clues and/or infections that we can treat. These include:
- Herpes – by taking a swab from breaks in the skin (ulcers)
- Trichomonas Vaginalis (TV) – by taking a swab from the vagina
- Mycoplasma Genitalium – by a swab or urine test from certain patients with symptoms
However the most common symptom we see in the clinic is discharge. Using a microscope we are able to look at discharge quickly, within minutes, to diagnose a number of common conditions including thrush, bacterial vaginosis and NSU. Only sexual health clinics provide this service.
We also diagnose a lot of conditions just by looking. Our expert staff have seen many sexual health conditions before and know what they’re looking for. This includes symptoms such as rashes, lumps/bumps, crabs, skin damage, or haemorrhoids for example.

Other tests
We also commonly see other situations where the following tests can be helpful:
- Urine pregnancy tests
- Blood tests for Hepatitis A, B and C
- Rapid result (point of care) tests for HIV – our current test is the INSTI
- Cervical smear tests
- Kidney function tests for people taking PrEP
- Skin biopsies
- Blood testing for herpes virus (in pregnancy only)