Devon Sexual Health Events
The team at Devon Sexual Health enjoy regularly running educational events for professionals.
Next events:
STIF One and Two Theory Course
The STI Foundation Theory Course is made up of 3 parts; Foundation Theory One, Two and Three together with e-learning. It aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes for the diagnosis and management of common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and to know when and how to refer.
Devon Sexual Health, in conjunction with Sexual Health in Plymouth, is hosting Theory One and Two courses in Devon in January 2025.
Foundation One: Basics of sexual health, Sexual history, diagnostic tests, partner notification, HIV risk, health promotion
Monday 20th January, 2025 9am – 5pm
Foundation Two: genital sores, vaginal discharge, young people, urethral discharge, GBMSM (gay/ bisexual/ men who have sex with men), trans care, domestic abuse
Tuesday 21st January, 2025 9am – 5pm
Cost: Foundation One £130, Foundation 2) £130. If attending both days, there will be a reduced cost of £250
Venue: Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre, Buckfast Abbey, Northwood Ln, Buckfastleigh TQ11 0EG
To reserve a place, email: rduh.devonsexualhealthtraining@nhs.net
Lunch is included
Fitters Forum
Devon Sexual Health, Castle Circus Health Centre, Abbey Road, Torquay, TQ2 5YH
Aimed at all IUD/IUS fitters, this forum includes a brief update on intrauterine contraception and is a chance to meet other fitters in the area and share best practice though a Q & A session.
DATE: tbc
RSVP: michelle.crowe@nhs.net

Previous events & slidesets
IUC Fitters Forum, Torbay – July 2022:
This forum covered Levosert, pain control during fit, the nurse’s perspective and interesting cases. Plus it provided an opportunity for networking, sharing ideas and best practice.
IUC Fitters Forum, Exeter – February 2022:
The IUC fitters forum at Devon Sexual Health Exeter, provided updates on IUC fitting practice. There was also a question and answer session and a chance to network with other fitters in the area.
Contraceptive implant fitters forum, Exeter – November 2019:
The contraceptive implant fitters forum held on Tuesday 19th November at Devon Sexual Health Exeter, provided updates on sub-dermal contraception including; changes to the FSRH sub-dermal implant fitting and removal guidance and advice on how to obtain a LocSDI. There was also a question and answer session and a chance to network with other fitters in the area.
Sexual health information evening – October 2019:
[Audience – primary care]