Management of menopause - key guidelines
Information for healthcare professionals
The 2019 NICE guidelines make recommendations for diagnosing and managing menopause.This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of menopause, including in women who have premature ovarian insufficiency.
For guidance on investigation and management of unscheduled bleeding, please see the 2024 BMS joint guideline which includes advice regarding HRT prescribing
We are aware many patients are requesting testosterone prescribing. Testosterone is only indicated in relation to libido in post-menopausal women. This useful guide from The BMS can advise you on who to prescribe for, and how to do this alongside monitoring.
For information regards prescribable alternatives to HRT, please see the BMS consensus statement.

Key resources
North & East Devon Prescribing Formulary
South & West Devon Prescribing Formulary
The links below are our top resources to support you in managing menopause and prescribing HRT or non-hormonal alternatives:
- The British Menopause Society which has a variety of resources including a handy menopause clinicians tool kit, as well as a range of videos covering the key menopause topics for healthcare professionals.
- The Primary Care Women’s Health Forum (PCWHF), is a group of 10,000 healthcare professionals with a special interest in women’s health.
- The International Menopause Society (IMS) brings together the world’s leading experts to study and share knowledge about all aspects of ageing in women.

Devon Menopause Advice & Guidance Pilot
From 2024 primary care clinicians in Devon can now access menopause advice and guidance for patients as a result of a new pilot service being facilitated by Devon Sexual Health, with support from the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
The Devon Menopause Service (DMS) covers any patient registered with a GP in the county of Devon.
Primary care clinicians can make advice and guidance requests through the electronic referral service (ERS), to support the management of patients with complex menopause presentations who meet specific criteria.

Advice and guidance request criteria
- Patients whose symptoms are not controlled after two HRT preparations tried for a minimum of 3 months per preparation
- Patients with complex histories where safe prescription of HRT is unclear
- Patients under the age of 40 with confirmed diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency (iatrogenic or spontaneous) where management advice is required
- Patients with persistent unscheduled bleeding on HRT with endometrial thickness <4mm on continuous combined HRT who have failed to respond to primary care management
- Patients with persistent unscheduled bleeding on HRT with endometrial thickness <7mm on sequential HRT who have failed to respond to primary care management
- Patients with persistent unscheduled bleeding less than six months after starting HRT or less than three months after changing HRT preparation in patients without risk factors for endometrial cancer (see unscheduled bleeding pathway)

Referrals must include:
- medical history
- current medication
- allergies
- smoking status
- relevant family history (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lynch syndrome, VTE, cowden syndrome, endometrial cancer/hyperplasia)
- relevant recent investigation results (for example ultrasound, bloods and histology) and clinic letters (DMS does not have access to results, letters or healthcare records)
- recent blood pressure and BMI
Referrals which do not meet the criteria or are missing the above information will be rejected.
This pilot is providing advice and guidance only and DMS are unable to provide appointments.
How to refer:
Referrals are via ERS only. Please use the following e-Referral Service Selection
Clinic Type: Genito-Urinary Medicine
Service: 8000347

Signposting for patients
These sites contain useful information for patients enabling them to feel more empowered about their symptoms, and more confident about managing menopause:
Women’s Health Concern Menopause factsheets
Talkworks – One to one sessions with a therapist focused around supporting physical and emotional side effects of menopause, 6 week TALKWORKS for Menopause group course, online self-help and wellbeing workshops. (excluding Plymouth)
Livewell South West – anxiety and mental health support in Plymouth
The Daisy Network – a charity to support individuals with POI (Premature Ovarian Insufficiency)
If patients are currently buying more than three HRT prescriptions a year, then it is recommended that they register for a HRT prepayment certificate which offers unlimited prescriptions of specified HRT over one year for a fixed price.
We also have a section for individuals seeking more menopause information here: https://www.devonsexualhealth.nhs.uk/your-body/menopause-info/