RSE Education Support
Since school Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) teaching guidelines have been updated nationally, an increasing number of schools, youth groups and other services are contacting us to requesting resources, free condoms and teaching materials. We are unable to provide these and are unable to supply free leaflets or other physical resources. However we can share some helpful content and advice that can support schools with these sessions.
Teaching Schools South West / RSHE ready – focused on supporting secondary teachers in the South West https://rsheready.co.uk/

Free resources
On this website and on our Youtube channel we have a series of young person-friendly films which many schools have used successfully to support the teaching and information they provide. Films available include:
- What happens when I visit a clinic?
- How to use a condom?
- What is emergency contraception and how does it work ?
- How is a contraceptive implant fitted ?
We also have downloadable links for free printable leaflets for all STIs and methods of contraception, which are provided free from the Family Planning Association: https://www.fpa.org.uk/professionals/resources/
Unfortunately, we are not funded to provide condoms for other schools or other organisations and we cannot give out sample packs. If required for teaching, organisations can buy condoms in bulk at the same price we do in the NHS. In our clinics we currently use Pasante brand – they can be ordered here.
You may also find this presentation helpful to support and plan your sexual health teaching sessions:

Condom Schemes - Doink
Doink is a free condom scheme for young people between the ages of 13-24 living in Devon & Torbay.
Those aged between 16-24 can sign up quickly and easily for the scheme on the Doink website.
If they are under 16, they will need to speak to a youth worker, teacher or other professional to sign up. This is to go through a safeguarding conversation and to ensure they have an understanding of safe sex and consent.
Everything is free and confidential.
Once registered on the scheme, a young person can be sent condoms or collect in-person from from any participating site across the county. Free dams and lube are also available through the scheme.
If you are interested in becoming a registered Doink collection or registration site, please contact: doink@eddystone.org.uk

What makes a good RSE session?
Instead of focusing on specifics and the ins and outs of all STIs and contraception methods (which takes ages and can be a bit boring!), we recommend that teachers focus their sessions on encouraging students to use the resources they have to explore the following practical questions:
- What is the confidentiality policy of a sexual health clinic ? (and what does confidential mean if you’re under 16?)
- Where can you access emergency contraception (morning after pill) at the weekend in the local area? (and will the emergency contraception definitely work?)
- What is the age of consent in the UK and how does this law protect young people?
- What does consent mean ? What may affect consent?
- Where can you get condoms for free in Devon ?
- Find out about 3 methods of contraception that might suit a 16 year old heterosexual couple. Where would they go if they wanted to find out more or wanted to get one of these methods started?
- If you are a gay or bisexual man, what might be important to know about and what can local sexual health clinics offer to keep you safe in addition to routine check-ups?
- If you think you may have been sexually assaulted (raped), where can you go for help?
- Do all sexually transmitted infections have symptoms? Find some information about 3 common STIs that may affect young people.
- If you are having sex, why is testing for chlamydia important ?
- How could a young person aged under 25 access chlamydia testing in the local area?
- Can you catch an STI even if you use a condom ?
More information, support and video links for teaching sessions can be found here:

Example Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans
Here are links to some recommended example lessons plans, written by our service:

Useful links
Torbay only
0-19 Torbay – Services promoting health, development and wellbeing of children, young people and families in Torbay. Website includes useful signposting, resources and information. https://www.0to19torbay.co.uk/resources-just-for-schools/
Torbay training school alliance – focus on Primary settings https://www.torbaytrainingschool.org.uk/smsc-pshe-rshe-british-values/
Are you OK? – website exploring healthy relationships, domestic abuse and violence for adults and young people, hosting a series of ‘TALK toolkits’ lesson plans for education providers https://www.areyouok.co.uk/toolkits/
Torbay Healthy Learning – website with useful resources for a range of PSHE, including RSE (new content coming Summer 2023) http://www.healthylearningtorbay.co.uk/
Devon only
- TALK toolkits – resource packs for young people produced by Splitz support service in Devon.
Exploring Healthy Relationships is a resource for 14-16 years developed with young people for the benefit of young people. The aim is to encourage discussion and debate around healthy relationships and self-esteem, in order to prevent domestic violence and abuse.
Healthy Transition is a resource for young people starting in secondary education. It helps to inform, explore and manage healthy relationships. It is intended to encourage discussion and debate to increase safety, confidence, identity as well as aiding emotional awareness and positive relationships.
Splitz Support Service – TALK Toolkits
- KOOTH provide an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop. Young people can access Kooth themselves for free, safe and anonymous online emotional wellbeing support and counselling, text chat and online forums.
- SPACE provide support for young people from all circumstances and backgrounds to learn, create and realise their potential. By providing spaces to hang out safely with peers, talk about things they can’t ask their parents, gain confidence and try new things.
- Young Devon provide information, advice and counselling for children and young people 11-25 years. Contact details and further information is available on their website
- Proud2Be delivers interactive workshops to students and awareness training to organisations and schools around the UK. Proud2Be also runs a youth project, which includes online and in-person weekly youth groups in Totnes and Newton Abbot, 121 youth support, and a family coffee morning in Newton Abbot.
Proud2Be | Supporting LGBTQ+ People in Devon and Beyond
- X-Plore LGBTQ Youth Groups in Devon – X-Plore run two youth groups for young people in Devon who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) or questioning (Q) their sexual orientation or gender identity
National links:
- The PSHE Association – membership organisation with resources, training, guidance and advice https://pshe-association.org.uk/
- The RSE Hub aims to provide relevant credible and useful support for educators in all aspects of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in order to strengthen the quality and consistency of RSE in the South West and nationally. RSE Hub | Home
- Solihull Parenting Approach (0-19) https://solihullapproachparenting.com/online-course-for-parents-0-19/
- Contraception Choices – great site https://www.contraceptionchoices.org/
- Brook: What is Abortion? https://www.brook.org.uk/your-life/abortion/
- Sex Education forum – membership organisation with specific focus on quality provision of relationship and sex education. Very useful for supporting evidence, developing student voice, guidance on external speakers and quality assured PSHE organisations. Some free resources available https://www.sexeducationforum.org.uk/
- UK Government statutory guidance on RSE for all ages and stages. Guidance, teacher training, support with engaging parents or carers, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education
- Rise above for schools – Quality assured session plans for range of key stages on topics from relationships, alcohol, speep, exam stress, body image in a digital world, positive relationships, mental wellbeing and more https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/schools/topics/mental-wellbeing/overview
- FPA – For resources, leaflets, demonstrators and contraceptive kits and more ways to improve your lessons; high quality resourcces (such as Yasmine and Tom) https://www.fpa.org.uk/
- Brook – excellent range of teaching resources (free and paid), exploring all aspects of relationships and sex education including consent, pornography, condoms, publierty, working with LGBT young adults, STIs, abortion and more. https://www.brook.org.uk/resources/ See the national live RSE lesson here: https://www.brook.org.uk/shw/big-rse-lesson/
- CHIVA – Enhancing the health and social wellbeing of children and young people living with HIV https://www.chiva.org.uk/infoprofessionals/education-settings