Training at Devon Sexual Health
We are proud to deliver and support a variety of training opportunities and training programmes at Devon Sexual Health.
We are a training centre for the Faculty of the Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) and for The British Association of Sexual Health (BASHH) approved STIF courses.
Please see below for more detail on specific programmes.
If you are just after updates on sexual health, look out for our Primary care update sessions, Fitters Forums and other educational events which are listed on this page, advertised locally in the LMC newsletter and via direct communication to general practices and relevant local services.

Diploma Of the Faculty of Sexual Health and Reproductive Healthcare.
We are currently closed to training for the DFSRH. Please note, we are still open for LocIUT and Loc SDI training, and you do not need to hold the DFSRH to do Loc training.
Are you a Doctor, GP, Practice nurse, Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacist, Midwife, Physicians Associate or other healthcare professional working in primary care, community or integrated sexual health services? And are you interested in providing expert sexual healthcare to your patients, or leading the provision of such service with in your practice? Then the diploma may well be for you.
For more information and entry requirements please see the information on the FSRH website (training requirements )
For a more in-depth discussion about the diploma please contact:
Joey Perkins Exeter and North Devon rduh.devonsexualhealthtraining@nhs.net
Michelle Crowe Torbay and South Devon michelle.crowe@nhs.net

Sexually Transmitted Infection Foundation (STIF) and STIF Plus Courses
Devon Sexual Health is involved in running STIF courses. Please visit the STIF website for further information (STIF website) or see below:
STIF One and Two Theory Course
Foundation One: Basics of sexual health, Sexual history, diagnostic tests, partner notification, HIV risk, health promotion
Monday 20th January, 2025 9am – 5pm
Foundation Two: genital sores, vaginal discharge, young people, urethral discharge, GBMSM (gay/ bisexual/ men who have sex with men), trans care, domestic abuse
Tuesday 21st January, 2025 9am – 5pm
Cost: Foundation One £130, Foundation 2) £130. If attending both days, there will be a reduced cost of £250
Venue: Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre, Buckfast Abbey, Northwood Ln, Buckfastleigh TQ11 0EG
To reserve a place, email: rduh.devonsexualhealthtraining@nhs.net
Lunch is included

Letters of Competence
If you are interested in learning to fit and remove subdermal contraceptive implants the LocSDI is the nationally recognised qualification for you.
The LocSDI –IR is a nationally recognised qualification awarded by the FSRH and allows you to fit and remove implants.
If you are a midwife or work in abortion services there is an insertion only qualification (LocSDI –IO) which might be more applicable for your work setting.
For further information about the LocSDI please see the FSRH training page (https://www.fsrh.org/education-and-training/)
Wishing to learn how to fit coils? If yes you need to train for the nationally recognised LocIUT.
For further information and requirements about the LocIUT please see the FSRH training page (https://www.fsrh.org/education-and-training/)
To apply for Loc training please contact the relevant training coordinator as detailed above under Diploma training.

Undergraduate and post graduate training
Devon Sexual Health provides placements for F2 Doctors and Integrated Training Programmes for GP trainees.
Such placements are coordinated through the local Foundation schools and the local HEE Deaneries respectively. Please contact them for further information.
We also provide placements for Exeter Medical School students.
Training posts for nursing staff are advertised on NHS jobs when they arise.
Devon sexual health holds a GUM training number for GU specialist training posts.

General updates and other training events
If you work in primary care, obs and gynae or any field where sexual health care is a relevant part of your work look out for our open evenings, sexual health update sessions and fitters forums.
The FRSH offers a free ‘Contraception counselling’ course. This is a two hour online programme and can be accessed here: https://www.fsrh.org/education-and-training/fsrh-contraceptive-counselling-online-course/
If you are unable to attend any of these events we do post all our talks on our website under previous events (Previous events (incl. slides) and you are welcome to access the presentations there at a time to suit you.
Upcoming events:
Contraception/Sexual Health update for Pharmacies
Thursday 15 February, 2025
Update for community pharmacists in Plymouth providing EHC and oral contraception. Further events for other community pharmacists to follow
EHC, Chlamydia Screening, Progesterone only pill (POP), Combined pill (COC) & Talking With Young People Training Session
Organised by Devon Sexual Health and Sexual Health in Pymouth
NHS Walk in Centre
31 Sidwell Street Exeter EX4 6NN