Homeless people
Devon Sexual Health clinics provide free, non-judgemental sexual health services to both female and male homeless people. Whatever your status, our services are available to you free of charge.

What we offer
- All methods of Contraception
- Free emergency contraception
- PEPemergency anti-HIV medication if you think you may have been exposed to HIV in the past 72 hours
- Regular check-ups for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This can include swabs from all sites (e.g. throat and rectal swabs), as well as testing for HIV and syphilis.
- Vaccinations against hepatitis B and A (if appropriate)
- Advice on safer sex and info about STI’s and how to prevent them
- Treatment for STI’s
- Support re sexual assault and referral to the local SARC services

What do we need to know when you attend?
We might ask specific questions about the type of sex that you have or the number of partners you have. This will help us assess what tests need to be done and to make sure they are done at the right time. We can then able to provide specific information and advice.
Our services are confidential and information is not routinely shared with other services such as GPs or other NHS clinics. You can read our confidentiality policy here.
The more you feel able to share with us during your appointment, the better we can help you to keep healthy and safe.

How often should I get tested?
If you are sexually active and not using condoms, testing is recommended at least every three months.
If you need a routine check-up, we would recommend you book an appointment, as our sit and wait clinics can be very busy and require long waits to be seen.
If you develop symptoms or a partner informs you they might have an infection please come in to see us for a review as soon as you can.

Support workers
If you are a support worker, working with homeless people in Devon, we can provide you with condoms and information leaflets free of charge. We can also work with you to schedule appointments for STI testing or advice about contraception.