Sexuality is deeply personal and individual to each of us. It’s about the sexual feeling and attraction that we have for others. There are different types of sexuality, and everyone’s different. It’s not as simple as being ‘gay’ or ‘straight’. Some people are attracted to only one sex, others are attracted to both and some to a whole range of people regardless of sex or gender. This can also change over time and based on your experiences.

Types of sexuality
There are some common labels that people use to identify their sexuality. This isn’t necessarily defined by who they have sex with, it’s also about how they feel and how they choose to identify themselves. All of our services are for people of any sexuality
Attracted mostly to people of the opposite sex or gender.
Attracted mostly to people of the same sex or gender (this used to refer to boys / men but now often refers to girls / women as well).
Attracted mostly to people of the same sex or gender (refers to women).
Attracted to both men and women.
Attracted to romantic and sexual partners of any gender, sex or sexual identity.
Attracted to romantic and sexual partners of many but not all genders, sexes or sexual identities.
Do not experience sexual attraction and / or does not desire to act on sexual attraction.
Some people also choose the labels ‘queer’ or ‘fluid’ as a way of expressing themselves by their own personal feelings.
For more information about sexuality, coming out or advice about relationships from a teenage perspective visit the childline website.