What is an STI?
Sexually Transmitted Infections, or STIs, are infections that people get through sexual activity. They are incredibly common and, just like any other infection, such as a cold, they are nothing to be embarrassed about.
It’s not always easy to recognise the signs and symptoms of an STI in you, or your partner. Some STIs have no symptoms, so you may not even realise you have one unless you get tested.
If you’ve had unprotected (condom-less) sex, with one or more partners, it’s really important that you seek help and get treatment because, unlike a cold, many STIs do not usually clear up on their own.
Not sure what an STI is? Or the different types of STIs? We have a definitive guide to all STIs, including information on their signs and symptoms here.

How can I get an STI test?
Free STI testing is available from sexual health clinics, or your GP. Online self-testing options are also available.
If you are aged under 25, you may be able to order free STI testing kits to be sent to your home via freetest.me
Most STIs can be successfully treated, but it’s important to get any symptoms checked as soon as possible.

What happens if I don't get tested?
If not treated early, some STIs can cause permanent damage to your health.
By not testing, you also risk spreading infections.
Most STIs can be successfully treated, but it’s important to get any symptoms checked as soon as possible.
Different STIs can cause a range of serious implications for your health if they remain untreated including:
- infertility
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- pain or swelling in the testicles
- pregnancy complications
- passing on infections to your new born baby
- weakened immune system
- liver damage
- liver cancer
- cervical cancer